Sunday 9 June 2013

Kerang Sakura

The perfectly sculptured world of Inka Barriasta, a promising, on the rise young novelist on her mid-twenties suddenly knocked down by a terrible truth: She suffered a very rare deviation in her brain, making her memorized reality mixed with her imagination. With the encouragement from her writer pal - turned - psychiatrist Peter Bailey, she returned to her homeland from Kyoto, Japan, only to face a haunting question which could only be answered by remembering the right past. "Why were you even leave this place?"

Back to her old house with two small rooms, and a walk at the beach every morning and eve, Inka met Hanum, a mature nine years old girl, who didn't know anything about daydreams and fairytales. She spoke rationally and included facts, though she loved literature.

One day they came across an argument from which they decided to trap everyone at the village to act like stories they've read. Slowly, the adventure starts, boiled to heat, while Inka find her way to her past and her old wounds actually never recovered. Both of Inka and Hanum need time to realize that frequently, facts are  even more peculiar than fiction.

"You have to shake their hands hello before finally leave and say your goodbyes."

Heeeeey, aku lagi nulis cerita nih. rencananya, rencananya lhoo mau diterbitin. Gimana menurut kalian sinopsisnya? Penasaran gak? Kira-kira bakal bagus gak? :p

Mihihi. Sebenernya udah kepengen nulis novel dari lama. Cuma ya gitu baru ada waktu, terus baru ada ide. Jadi gimana? Comment below!

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