Thursday, 30 May 2013

Sedikit Percikan Cahaya

"Tempat peristirahatan Jill menghadap ke lembah. Daerah perbukitan di seberangnya dihiasi sapuan maskara berupa pohon-pohon pinus yang tumbuh di lereng-lerengnya, dan lembah kehijauan yang terhampar di bawahnya dibayangi selimut kabut tebal keperakan. 

Sementara sang pendeta melanjutkan upacara, Robin melangkah maju untuk menebarkan segenggam tanah di atas peti jenazah istrinya. Aku memalingkan wajah dan dengan mata berkaca-kaca memerhatikan batu-batu nisan di sekitar kami. Putra yang berbakti. Ayah dan kakek. Putri tunggal terkasih. Istri dan ibu tercinta. Kakak perempuan. Istri. Ibu. Ibu. 

Dalam kematian, kita tidak digambarkan oleh profesi kita maupun apa yang kita lakukan, tapi oleh apa arti diri kita bagi mereka yang dekat dengan kita.

Betapa kita mencintai dan balas dicintai."

Untuk Diingat
"Semua ada akhirnya, umat manusia bagai rumput."

Dikutip dari: I Don't Know How She Does It, oleh Allison Pearson, halaman 306, dari sudut pandang Katharine Reddy.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Ada Beberapa Posting Yang Gak Bisa Dikasih Judul, Ini Salah Satunya

Aku, yang suka sok hebat depan temen-temen

Aku, yang suka sok berani, sok pinter

Aku, yang suka sok segala macem.

Aku yang sok.

Aku males sebenernya jadi aku. Sok tau. Banget. Sok Bisa. Sok tegar. Sok Tertindas. Sok alim. Sok suci. Sok baik. Sok ngerti keadaan orang lain. Sok ngerti gimana rasanya gini, gimana rasanya gitu. Sok dewasa. Sok lucu. Sok beda sama yang lain. Sok unik. Sok tobat kayak sekarang.

Sok merupakan bentuk kepura-puraan. Tapi gimana kalo emang aku ditakdirkan jadi sok? Aku nggak pura-pura jadi sok, tapi sok itu sama dengan pura-pura. Merasa paling.

Jadi selama ini aku hidup tuh ngapain?

Kalo ada yang bisa jawab aku hidup itu ngapain, kenapa masih ada yang mau main, ketawa, nangis bareng aku, kalian bener-bener Einstein.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

It Happened, So Remember It

This has been one crazy year. There's so much - too much things we did together. So much that I can't remember how it felt going to bathroom alone, eat at the canteen alone, reading at the library alone, even laughing alone.

We started nothing back then, And for each other at that time, which feels like a long time ago, like once upon a time, the others were just unfamiliar faces we would see for the next three years, wandering on the corridor, sitting in the classes, bragging about how life has been too cruel to let the teachers give them those home works.

But it's not like that. Not at all.

Without you knowing, they've become one important part of this short life we have, and then this reality stick on your brain like a glue. They're your life.

These three years are wonderful, shitty, boring, but beautiful at the same time. Slowly, we were bound together, mended, and when everything turned out this right, finally it's the time for us lift our faces to see the future, saying goodbyes. Leaving.

We're not heartless so we feel this sting when we actually had to leave. Remember the good times. 

Somehow time gives us something to learnt, that if we stay like this together, we wouldn't appreciate every single time we spent, we would be an old face to one another, we would be irritating, we would be ungrateful. This is time's job, to makes us learn that sometimes things are better be ended. If we stay like this then that strong word, 'memories', wouldn't be found. There's no memories. Isn't that creepy?

"Nothing lasts forever, forever is a lie. All we had is between hello and goodbye," they said. And slowly, very slow until you don't even feel it, the future is now and now is the past. That's how life works.

I've learned much. I can't stated it one by one. Now that we have to go to different directions, (not one direction) I have to say that I will try to remember all of you, dearly. And I'll say that you will be greatly missed. You, my friends, once, were my life. Were? Yea, we have to move forward.

But out of all that, SMILE! So we can live our life out loud while we can. So we can remember.

Don't cry because it ends,
Smile, because it happened. 

One who grateful being your friend,


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Atau Gimana Kalo...

Akhir-akhir ini saya sering bertanya-tanya siapa yang dengan jenius dan rendah hatinya menciptakan situs semacam blogger dan tumblr. Karena kedua situs itu amat keren dan menawan dan ajib dan kece dan addicting dan unyu dan bikin hepi (?)

Maksud saya, apa jadinya kalo saya gak pernah nemu kata-kata dalem dan jenius kayak gini (?):

Atau kalo saya nggak pernah nemu foto-foto One Direction yang kece kayak gini :

Atau kalo seumur hidup saya nggak tau ada rumah dengan interior vintage yang menawan kayak gini:

Atau kalo saya nggak nemu foto kata-kata unyu kayak yang dibawah ini:

Dan atau yang terakhir, gimana kalo saya nggak pernah nemu foto makanan, bunga, atau makanan ples bunga kayak yang ini:

Sedih buanget kan? Nah makanya bersyukurlah jika kalian mempunyai blog atau tumblr. Karena mereka telah mengisi hidup kita dengan keindahan dan kasih sayang. Ya kan?

Oke. Gue udah mulai gila. Pamit ya cemaaan.

Erika (kali ini tanpa Mademoiselle, soalnya lagi rendah hati)

Monday, 13 May 2013

Of The Days (1)

Song of The Day: Vanessa Carlton - Heroes and Thieves (akustikan, tumben Vanessa Carlton gak pake orkestra)

Movie of The Day: Iron Man 3 dooong

Book of The Day: Scones and Sensibility by Lindsey Eland (bagus banget covernya)

Quote of The Day:  J.D. SalingerThe Catcher in the Rye

“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.” 

Place of The Day: Cascade Lakes, Bend, Oregon

Scones and Sensibility

Photo: sunset on Oregon lake
Cascade Lakes, Oregon


Ada pengumuman

Mulai minggu ini, dimulai besok, akan ada song of the week, movie of the week, book of the week, quote of the week, sama place of the week.

Dadah lagi.

Halo Bocah

Halo Blogger! Iki wes mbengi yo? Tapi aku lagi merekah-merekahnya lhoooo


Njuk aku seneng. Soale aku udah selese UN. SENENG BANGET GEWLAKK

Ya ampun kalian tau gaksih kalo aku tu udah kebelet banget nge-post tapi gak sempet gara-gara film? Film hasam-___- Udah gitu aku kan scriptwriter toh, njuk aku udah berusaha, usahaaaaa banget bikin pelem komedi. Dan kalian tau gak? Malah setelah udah di edit, udah dirender, Pak Sut dengan sante ngomong kalo PELEM KITA GAK LUCU! Oke Pak Sut Sardnilag, silakan bikin script sendiri, susun scene-nya sendiri, take lagi, dan besok kalo kamu kepanasan pas take, gak tak payungi pake triplek! Tanganku sampe jamuren tau gak, kena jamur triplek.

Astaghfirullah Aladzim... Sante.

Oke. Udah. Udah selese curhat. Dadah