Swept aside the lush bush
Unfamiliar tingle binding my heart
About to explode into stardusts
Crumpled, and no,
I cannot see a happy ending approaching
I need a place to lean
The air sting like guitar strings between throbbing fingers
How much could I stand the soreness of my wishes, biting and slashing
Because they are broken
Notwithstanding, my lips told me I am wiser already
I asked them, how is that even make any sense?
When my existence
Not otherwise,
Not otherwise of buzzing lights and chattering kneecaps
I tried to convince myself that I am naive.
I couldn't
I guess I am just rhythm of a beating heart
A mouthful of schemes and lies
A burden
A constantly lit dried wood
But the fire never really burn
A woman once overheard my story
About how cold my hands were
She chuckled and offered me hers to hold
I took them in doubt, wearily
They were frozen
Probably I have accepted,
The differences
~c, b. e. w
March 5th, 2014
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Monday, 3 March 2014
Kelsey Danielle (Sebuah Apresiasi Mentah)
Sumber: artruby.com |
“How can I say that I don’t know who I am when so much of me is in this soil and in the hands of so many people I love. How can I say I don’t know who I am when everything I touch is a reintroduction?”
- Kelsey Danielle
Kelsey Danielle. Mungkin nama yang nggak akrab di telinga kalian. Atau nggak pernah kalian baca di media masa. Tapi nama ini, bagi saya, adalah sebuah inspirasi.
Kelsey. Sederhana, lembut, feminin. Artinya indah. Di Irlandia ia berani, di Skandinavia ia penjelmaan dari kapal yang menabrak pulau - misterius, tragis, bersejarah. Sedangkan di Jerman ia adalah sebuah rongga, wadah, yang didiami oleh air. Didiami, dihuni, bukan terisi.
Danielle. Dari bahasa Ibrani, berarti: Tuhan adalah hakimku.
Kelsey Danielle. Bukan nama yang disiapkan untuk diperbincangkan di tiap sudut dunia. Bukan untuk dibaca jutaan pasang mata. Bukan untuk dikenal milyaran jiwa.
Nama itu, dieja oleh si empunya, ditempatkan di sudut karya-karyanya. Di atas halaman elektronik berwarna hitam. Bukan pena yang ia goreskan. Ia menekan tombol, dan kata-kata itu tertoreh di benak orang yang membacanya.
Puisi. Kelsey Danielle menulis puisi.
Kadang puisi-puisinya kosong, abu-abu. Mengambang dengan gelisah. Bingung.
Kadang bersemburat kuning dan oranye. Menyemangati.
Kadang gelap dan pengap. Menjerit tanpa suara.
Kadang putih gading. Broken white, katanya. Indah, murni, muram.
Dan kata-katanya bergema dengan lembut. Seperti bayangan. Seperti lukisan abstrak.
Memungkinkan kita berkaca pada permukaan yang tak rata. Berkaca pada ketidaksempurnaan. Ia mewujudkan keindahan namanya. Misterius dan tragis.
"Maybe darkness is in itself it’s own form of light. Instead of teaching the world to see, it teaches how to feel." - "LIFE AND OTHER THINGS"
"Where’s the chance to say,
“I hang on to fistfuls of poetry like loose change in my pockets,
and I keep waiting for the day that the world turns upside down
so I can swim with the stars.
I’m not afraid of darkness, it’s a loneliness I can empathize with it.
It’s the blackholes like cigarette burns inside of me that get troublesome.
I walk through graveyards and read the dashes between years,
each a story I’ll never know but sometimes
I create my own.”
No wonder none of us know who we are anymore.”
"How to never disappear completely:
- Kelsey Danielle
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