Thursday, 30 January 2014

A Thousand Sculptures (Part 2)

          As if for him, it emerged with a slightly different impact. Her words, which just left her mouth to the mix of frozen air, shadow, and sick light, appeared as a vision of fatamorgana in a long unbeaten track under the desert’s hard sun, somewhere in his distant dream. Actually wanted to believe in it but he knew it wasn't true. And he knew nothing truer than the last. It hurt him more than the smell of death that surrounded them since the last time he caress her hair.

            Mockery at it’s best to destiny & Co, she stuck her tongue out to taste the snow for, she was sure, the last time. Crazy how sure she was at the moment, but she guaranteed she have never been that sure for her whole life. She even whispered to herself that the security of what she’s thinking and her choice felt so good. She liked it, it felt like a once in a lifetime. Then with lack of capability to hold it down, she bursted in a laughter, thinking how ironically true it was. The ‘once in a lifetime’ feeling.

            Her stupid and playful side wanted him to witness the last time she would ever taste the snow and let them melt on her tongue. He did. They laughed together awkwardly for the sake of memories and dignity. The laughter itself too, of course. If there was a possibility to fell again after lying, then it would be it.

            Their laughter weren't stopping that quick. Actually it lasted far more than necessary, especially for her. No matter how hurt her whole mouth, cheek, and stomach. No matter how it pained her back and she wanted to stop it, she could not stop laughing. The whole sureness faded for a brief moment of that laugh. She didn't know what was so funny. Whether it’s the thin awkwardness sweeping lightly while they exchanged grins, or the comfort on throwing away what people would keep even if it costs their lives, and knowing they did it together.


Saturday, 18 January 2014

A Thousand Sculptures (Part 1)

A Thousand Sculptures

            The pain and harm was critical. Through the pale leaves and walls the howls embraced, digging deep to ears that still could hear silent promises. Those who brought to life by fear and deranged, insane hope. Promises, enveloping like a blanket, defeating. They breathed, breathed deep.

            In a land of neverending winter, those kinds of promises could be heard everywhere and everytime. Or found. Abandoned on white, frozen ground, no longer breathing. Dead. Like most of those who made them born and alive even for a short period of time, on the same land. Breathing only to learn that they would be killed soon enough.

Now, that sounds so much like them.

            Red lips bitten until they bruised. Until the redness gone in the mind, all faded to the heavy air around them, while they lied flat on their fabric-covered back, shivering. Unbearable cold immersed to their stiff bones, to their sense, to the almost hollow space where they whispered each other’s name, and the voice echoed even louder, because the space went even hollower by the time they erased and threw away what was filling it before.

            They needed to forget everything and remember only one thing. Each other. Each other’s hands, each other’s smile, each other’s warmth, and what tied them together until today, where everything started and everything ended. A soon to die promise escaped her bleeding lips. She was too careless and too afraid to take it back, letting silence took over it and tied the end for her and the whole universe that swirled her insides. Without a doubt and without a trace, her promise fell to a comma.

(Mungkin) Ini Yang Disebut Teaser

Wahhh, Assalamualaikum kaliaaaan :)

Saya kangen banget nulis blog ehehe. Tapi sekarang udah mulai sekolah, banyak kesibukan, dan saya sekarang lanjut nulis-nulis juga. Banyaaaak banget draft draft yang masih kesimpen sampe busuk di gudang folder sampe menuh-menuhin memori. Gila sebenernya pengen nyelesein semuanya terus diterbitin *eh* tapi ya kalo nggak sibuk, ya lagi nggak mood. Atau lagi capek dan butuh inspirasi.

Alesan kabeh-___- Kalo kata ayah saya, alesan itu gak usah dicari udah banyak, yang dicari itu solusinya.


Akhirnya, tak usahain sekarang malem-malem belajar, ngerjain tugas, pagi-pagi cuci piring, biar kalo pulsek abis istirahat bisa nulis. Bisa baca cerita-cerita baru cari inspirasi, denger lagu baru, nonton film. Tapi yang ada apa? Malah mulai cerita baru, nambah draft, gak selesai-selesai. Piye le arep maju-_-

Terus saya cari solusi baru. Cari gaya bekerja apa yang pas buat saya. Daaan, jeng jeng jeng jeng.. Saya butuh deadline! Soalnya pernah ada lomba cerpen sama essai gitu ada deadline-nya, dan alhamdulillah saya dapet juara walaupun gak juara satu. Hasilnya lumayan memuaskan sih, dapet hadiah pula :3 *dasar-,-

Tapikan gak tiap hari ada deadline gitu. Jadi saya mau bikin deadline sendiri, di sini. Di blog ini, blog tercinta *elus elus blog*. Gimana deadline-nya itu? Nah, gini. Tiap malem minggu saya akan post entah seperberapa bagian dari sebuah cerpen yang lagi tak kerjain. Pokoknya harus nge-post. Jadi kesannya blog ini tuh penerbit yang ngasih deadline yang harus saya penuhi. Gitu terus sampe satu cerpen selesai dan lanjut ke cerpen-cerpen lainnya. Gituuu. Kalian mau kan bantu saya dengan baca dan ngasih review di komen? Mohon bantuanyaaa :)

Ini nih cerpen pertama yang mau tak post, tapi teaser-nya dulu yaaa. Pendek kok :D

             The pain and harm was critical. Through the pale leaves and walls the howls embraced, digging deep to ears that still could hear silent promises. Those who brought to life by fear and deranged, insane hope. Promises, enveloping like a blanket, defeating. They breathed, breathed deep.
            In a land of neverending winter, those kinds of promises could be heard everywhere and everytime. Or found.